Welcome to the SRT blog No. 123

4th November 2022 – Welcome to our blog post No.123

Now available to buy.

Here’s *Sunny* the Sunnyside reindeer who is going to be raffled in November – in time for putting up the Christmas decorations. He’s a large version and has been made by trainees at the Activity Centre over the last few weeks.

On it’s way to the Sunnyside Up Café & Farm shop to go on display and help to sell tickets. His head goes back on easily!

Raffle – Sunny the Sunnyside Reindeer raffle (peoplesfundraising.com)

Do share this link with as many people as you can.


Last week a team were busy in the bakery making a Halloween cake for the cafe. Very goulie.


The witches of Hemel Food garden were out on their ‘broomsticks’! Great sweep up ladies.Spooky trainees (and one staff member ‘meowing’)

Halloween team out leaf gathering.

Tyler enjoying with pride the pumpkin soup. It was his pumpkin seedling that was used. Pumpkin soup for lunch made with a pumpkin from our allotment.

Very slippery on recycling walk – but no problems for this eager group from Hemel Food Garden. Completing 5689 steps and just back in time for lunch!


Another reindeer off of the production line at the Activity Centre Here ‘Prancer’ joins lots of other reindeer, all waiting to find their forever homes!

Volunteer Lynn perseveres to free a Prunis from its current spot. This bed is having a makeover and is starting to take shape. Luka is sinking the steps into the ground.

The lovely wooden disc wreaths – off to the market stall. Noreen & Tim at the market stall this week.

Taking cuttings in the greenhouse.

Volunteer Anne ad Tim plant shopping – Paul collecting the chosen selection.

Ed, Sophia and volunteer Ian sweeping leaves.

Sophia and Ed tidying the strawberries.

Scott & Paul counting bedding plants for stock take.


Some hard work this week around the wildlife pond at Northchurch. Sarah strimming the pond area.

Jonny has been harvesting potatoes and they all came out in a bunch!

Michel, Jonny, David and harry helped Catherine with some soil testing. Sowing bean and pea seeds in soil samples from an area of land we have taken on, with herbicide contamination. The very scientific ‘smiley face’ sowing method was used. The beans and peas will grow with curly deformed leaves if the herbicide is still present. In the meantime, cut flower plants will be grown in this space and then the soil tested again in a year to see if it can be used for growing produce.

Hollie & Sarah tidying the compost area.

Georgie & Joe enjoyed working with the Repair Shed this week making bug boxes.


A big team effort painting up picket fencing for use in Old Hemel Town during the lead up to Christmas around the planters.

Sam hiding.


Have a great weekend….

…until next week.