Sunnyside Recruitment

We are currently recruiting for the roles below:

As a busy charity with ambition to grow, we do from time to time have new roles or vacancies to fill. Please keep an eye on here and on our social media if you are interested in working for us. We are always on the lookout for talented, enthusiastic individuals who have a passion for people, environmental care and working with the community.

We hold the Gold Standard in Investors In People. Only 5% of companies our size achieve this and it is wonderful recognition for the strong leadership, systems and teams we have built over many years.

Orchard Nursery Manager

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Offsite Contracts Senior Gardener

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Deputy Site Manager HFG

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A few words on the job role of Project Worker from Jack at Sunnyside Northchurch

“Laughter, friendship, acceptance, empathy, understanding and humour. A splendid cocktail of plants and people mixed with a huge sense of enjoyment. These are the memories I take from Sunnyside.”

Peter Cotton, Project Worker