Welcome to the SRT blog No. 121

21st October 2022 – Welcome to our blog post No.121


Mark & Lewis from the Activity Centre on the market stall this week.


Out at Coombe Gardens this week with Michael H, Kwasi, volunteer Anne and Noreen. Weeding and clipping.



Over in Bovingdon Lewis was mowing, with Claire & Ed in the wings ready to edge the border. Paul rakes, Suru weeds & Simon is carrying out some mower maintenance.



Here’s the large reindeer ready to be raffled. Biggest decision – what to call it. Keep an eye out for info on how to get your raffle ticket next week.


Using up lots of the harvest with mass production jam and chutney making. Riz making chutney.


The woodworking team have been getting really creative. Roxy with her bug box that also looks like a beautiful piece of abstract artwork. Luka with his fab modern Christmas tree. Ready for some decorations and lights to be hung.

Another African snail convert.


Samuel & Ian at Northchurch baking apple cakes – using up some of the rather large harvest

Nature crafts this week, all made from twigs gathered around the site.


Joe & Katie preparing beetroot for this week’s veg boxes. Sophie, David, Sarah & Georgie were busy picking up leaves & apples in Northchurch.


Additional decking going in at the caravan project. Taking turns to supervise.

The fencing in the new duck space has progressed really well this week.


Joe changing the brake light on the bus – the work is so varied!

Catherine with Harry & Ian collecting the tomato seeds and making sure they are well labelled.



Hemel Food Garden were potting up Spider plants into bigger pots. Now available at the bargain price of £4.00!



Getting into the Halloween vibe in the café. Claires Halloween chocolate cake.

Alfie showing his photo scrapbook at this week’s team meeting on Monday.


Joe and Alice getting crafty making bunting for the greenhouse café, which opens soon.

The Chipperfield Memorial contract was completed this week. Amazing job by the team replanting a new hedge. Quoting Tyler as they drove away ‘it’s da bizzle’!






The chickens are being protected from other birds and hopefully avoiding avian flu. The team have set up a free ranging netted run for them and installed all the required protocols and everyone’s really happy that they are protected but sad that there will be no contact for a while.


All change in the plant nursery space outside the farm shop & café. In with the new and out with the old. Ashley got snipping on the perennials.


A recycling team were along the Grand Union Canal.

No, its not yet Christmas BUT the team were prepping their trees in good time.

The world’s smallest corn cob grown in the pallet garden.

A king at work – new trainee Harry at work.

Work at Berkhamsted School continues. Path weeding. Robins are always around and friendly. Leaf gathering. Fab job.



Doris guarding the penstemons. Tom on admin time, had a visitor to keep him company. Apparently ‘he was being very brave sitting next to a cat’!


Have a great weekend….

…until next week.